U.S.P.H. Standard Applied in Beverage - Part 2


Ice machine - Wash, rinse and sanitized twice a week. All ice scoops must be on retractor and installed outside the machine. Gaskets must be clean.


Refrigerators - Temperatures must be taken and recorded twice a day. Must be equipped with thermometers. Rust free and have clean gaskets.


Hand wash sinks - Provide with, splash sides if near working area. Paper towel holder and towels. Nail scrubber, soap dispenser with soap.


Cleaning materials - Mops, brooms, and brushes are to be stored upside down in a clean and sanitized locker and separated from materials used for cleaning food.


Glass washing machine - Change water frequently, Dismantle, unclog nozzle and wash, rinse and sanitized and dry at the end of the day. Descale twice a week. Take temperature of wash water TWP times a day. Enough stock of soap and rinse-aid at all times. Use phydion paper to test soap level during.


Machines - Washes. (yellow no soap; orange-right level, red much soap)


General cleaning - All floors are swept, cleaned and mopped with detergent and rinsed with sanitizing solution, Floor drains and cleaned by removing drain covers, scrubbing with detergent, rinsing and sanitizing before replacing them. Walls, bar counters, ice bins, shelves work tables, beer coolers, garbage can and walk-in refrigerators need to be cleaned and sanitized daily using three bucket system.


Waste disposal Separate and covered garbage bins for wet, paper, and plastic ( burnable), and glass, bottle and cans